Tantric Programs

Making sexual energy our strength and power!

Liberated from sexual impulse, enhanced sexual magnetism, mental clarity, improved emotional outlook and control; enhanced creativity, authentic relationships, activation of higher awareness centers, improved wellness and fitness...

Astrology/Human Design

Life Purpose, Career, and Relationships

Ever wonder why you are the way you are? Why has your life headed down the particular trajectory it has for better or worse? Do you want to understand your karma and why you seem to attract particular experiences? Do you want to understand how to best take advantage of your life's events and patterns so that you can optimize your growth curve? Would you like to understand how your body and the life force which flows through it is constantly guiding you toward decisions which are coherent and authentic for your life path? Want to understand the deeper energetic dynamics of your relationships?

Chart readings are $100 per hour; readings usually require 1-1.5 hours.

Bodywork and Energy Balancing

Touch Guided by Spirit...

  • The secret to relaxing the body is allowing the mind to fall into a deep trance like state. When the mind let's go of control the body let's go of tension.
  • Touch without surrender leads to tension and surrender cannot happen without trust. Every session involves open vulnerable communication and connection practices to aid the client is cultivating both physical and psychological tension release.
  • Although a variety of different forms of touch are utilized by Akal it's his intuition and presence which ultimately makes these sessions powerful. When the ego gets out of the way something much more powerful, and healing can flow through.

Price is $160 per session lasting 1.5-2 hours

Personal Training by Akal

You are only as old as you feel!

In 1 hour, 15 minutes... Strengthening and relaxation brought into a balancing act to achieve a more fulfilling life. Akal has 25 years of experience Personal Training, holds a Master's in applied Exercise Physiology and is a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Pricing $90 per session or $65 if five or more sessions are purchased at once

Contact Akal

Disclaimer: Akal is not a licensed massage therapist and does not offer "massage". All bodywork offered by Akal is considered to be healing touch. In addition, all services are non-sexual in nature.




By Appointment Only


5215 N. Ravenswood suite 309; Chicago, Illinois

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